Connect your digital resources from inside to outside the company to stay ahead in digital race: Digitalized Customer requirements

Intense Technologies Limited
June 3, 2014

In this global digital world new digital services are raising the bar of enterprise offerings. Customer behavior is rapidly shifting as more people use digital devices and platforms intensively. Customer is slowly changing into ‘e-customers’ with the use of internet, mobile devices and social media on the rise.

To survive this digital world enterprises are becoming customer centric and the most efficient ones are leading the race. The approach for customer experience must be re-mastered; highly interactive, personalized and consistent communication across multiple channels is the key for enhanced customer experience.

Enterprises are digitally transforming rapidly not only their products but also their workflow. Enterprises are investing heavily in their own customer data and data from external sources like social media, where people comment freely about products and companies. Data analytics then plays a vital role in transforming this data into meaningful information that again decides on what has to be offered to the customer to improve experience.

Digitalizing processes would connect the sales team, marketing team, customer care, management and other departments together to share information for better customer experience and loyalty.

Enhancing customer experience with

Unified Platform – existing legacy processes should be transformed to a single application catering to multiple users for consistent communication. Single application will reduce operating costs. Communication will be consistent across all customer communication channels.

Email – engage customers with interactive documents for a two way interaction and reducing the numbers of calls to CRM. Customer appreciates communication through a digital copy rather than CRM.

Mobile – today’s mobile mind shift requires enterprises to communicate on the go with digital customers. By 2017, 88% of the US adult online population will own smart phones and 54% will own tablets.

Print – in this digital age there are customers who prefer communication through physical copy, provided it is personalized and relevant.  Physical documents are one of the strongest ways to communicate with a customer.

Self-care – give a personalized self-care portal to customers for a two way automated communication and a greater control over communication.

We have moved to a digital era and companies are trying to match with the customers digital expectations. Enterprises will start transforming business support system in a digital way to make a first step towards digital revolution.

Originally posted on PRODUCT NATION on 03/06/2014

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