Partnerships & Customers
Partnerships & Customers





Partnerships & Alliances

Ramakrishna Murala
Senior Project Manager at Infosys Technologies Ltd
" We have been using UniServe™ NXT 360 in the Income tax department since 15th Dec 2009 and I am more than happy with its performance. It has been helping us in generating and distributing Income Tax returns and other related communications to citizens of India. I can undoubtedly say that you guys have met the promise of improving citizen experience and seamless operations and are happy with the pre and post-sales support. The current support being provided in day to day business is very much appreciated.We like your process of gathering customer feedback regularly through NPS and we have seen immediate response to the concerns that we raise. We would like to appreciate your constant endeavor to update us with your product roadmap and your keen interest in involving us in evolving your roadmap. I am glad that we chose Intense "





Partnerships & Alliances

Ramakrishna Murala
Senior Project Manager at Infosys Technologies Ltd
" We have been using UniServe™ NXT 360 in the Income tax department since 15th Dec 2009 and I am more than happy with its performance. It has been helping us in generating and distributing Income Tax returns and other related communications to citizens of India. I can undoubtedly say that you guys have met the promise of improving citizen experience and seamless operations and are happy with the pre and post-sales support. The current support being provided in day to day business is very much appreciated.We like your process of gathering customer feedback regularly through NPS and we have seen immediate response to the concerns that we raise. We would like to appreciate your constant endeavor to update us with your product roadmap and your keen interest in involving us in evolving your roadmap. I am glad that we chose Intense "