Intense Technologies Announces a Stellar First Half-year, with 48% Topline Growth, Expects to Beat FY 2013-14 Targets
Growth driven by excellent results in overseas markets and investment into new product development and innovation.
Enterprise software products company, Intense Technologies Limited (BSE: INTENTECH, 532326) announces stellar financial performance in the first half of 2013-14. The company that has leading brands as customers, in the Telecom, Banking and Insurance space, recorded an impressive 48% growth in topline as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. This is the eighth quarter in a row that Intense Technologies has shown commendable profitable growth.
“We are delighted with the company’s performance this year, particularly in light of the challenging economic conditions that have continued to prevail” said Jayant Dwarkanath, CEO and Director, Intense Technologies Limited. “Our growth figures are testimonial to the continued trust reposed in us by our clients, partners, shareholders and employees. The substantial investments we made for our forays into overseas markets and into new product development, have achieved fruition. Our products and solutions are being received favorably by the global markets and our footprint continues to grow”.
“We are poised to deliver another year of growth, much above the industry average, with orders worth Rs. 19.86 Crores already signed, to be executed during the course of the Financial Year 2013-2014” added Jayant.