Meet Intense Technologies at CommunicAsia 2015
Enterprises have terabytes of customer data in silos that is increasingly becoming difficult to harness. The need of the hour is a customer experience lifecycle platform that provides a 360 degree view of the customer.
C.K. Shastri (Founder & MD, Intense Technologies) is talking on Navigating Big Data and the Potential “Minefield” on 4th June at 12 Noon. We encourage you to attend this session to get insights on overcoming challenges of handling big data and new innovations in data technologies for drilling relevant data out of it.
Intense Technologies is also showcasing UniserveTM, platform for digitalization of customer experience lifecycle, which helps enterprises harness their customer data so as to build customer centricity to achieve superior customer experience and reduced operational expenses.
Meet us at CommunicAsia 2015 to know how we could help you better understand your big data in a faster way to become agile and customer centric. Should you wish to schedule a meeting to know about our solutions, please contact Shravan Ganjoo, VP – Global Alliances & Partner Sales at shravan@in10stech.com or the event manager Shishir Kumar, Market Analyst at shishir.k@in10stech.com Do not miss the chance to meet Intense Technologies at CommunicAsia 2015 in Singapore from 2nd – 5 th June 2015.
To learn more about our offerings for enterprises prior to the event, or if you are unable to attend, please take a moment to visit: www.in10stech.com