Intense and IMT Ghaziabad Forge Dynamic Partnership to Launch SMB Focused Consulting Initiatives

Hyderabad, August 14, 2023 – Intense Technologies, a leading enterprise software products and services company, has joined forces with the esteemed Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Ghaziabad to introduce a groundbreaking consulting collaboration targeting Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs). This partnership aims to catalyze growth within the SMB sector through specialized guidance and advanced technological insights.

The inaugural event of this pioneering initiative took place on August 9th, 2023, with a highly engaging workshop centered around Industry 4.0 advancements in the MSME manufacturing domain. The event brought together an assembly of prominent industry players and thought leaders. Notable participants included heavyweights such as CHW Forge, Shriram Pistons, Malhotra Cables, representatives from the Ghaziabad Management Association, and even the Ethiopian Embassy, adding a unique international perspective.

The workshop facilitated a two-way dialogue focused on the application of automation within manufacturing contexts. With a total of 18 participants, the event delved into practical use cases for integrating cutting-edge technologies like AI, ML, and IoT into manufacturing processes.

The academic luminaries from IMT Ghaziabad were present to infuse their knowledge and insights into the proceedings. Prof. Ameet Sareen, Dean of Academics, IMT-G welcomed the attendees and shed light on the pivotal role played by IMT's industry-centric research body, the Center for Enterprise, and Business Improvement (CEBI).

Prof. Radha Mohan Gupta, in his keynote address, eloquently elucidated the distinctions between the norms of Industry 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0. He emphasized the necessity of tailoring solutions to individual contexts, advocating for small-scale pilots when introducing new technologies to the MSME segment. The importance of embracing cloud-based solutions for their flexibility in accommodating varied budgets and schedules was also highlighted. Additionally, Prof. Gupta underscored the positive impact of Industry 5.0, focusing on its potential to enhance skills and foster job creation.

Bringing academia and industry closer, Prof. Nihar, from IMT highlighted the contributions that academicians can make towards refining management processes. He encouraged industry representatives to explore diverse strategies to achieve leadership positions in their chosen domains. He acknowledged the challenges of innovation in sectors like aerospace and defense, particularly for smaller players without guaranteed buyers, yet emphasized the crucial role of MSMEs in driving advancements.

Avinash Kulkarni, Head, Cloud and Business Automation, Intense Technologies, shared insights into the collaborative efforts aimed at infusing analytical prowess from academia into the MSME sector. While acknowledging the conventional limitations of large consulting firms in working with MSMEs, he emphasized that Intense and IMT are determined to bridge this gap. The presentation of a compelling case study on the application of ML models to identify production defects in solar panel manufacturing demonstrated the practicality of this collaboration.

MSME members in attendance candidly expressed their unique needs, ranging from operational data extraction in furnaces and heat treatment cycles to addressing batch size production challenges in the forging industry. The intricacies of automating processes for varying batch sizes were explored, with an emphasis on cost-effective experimentation.

The involvement of Executive Batch students pursuing the PGDM program at IMT further cemented the symbiotic nature of this endeavor. Collaborating with industry stakeholders and IMT teams, these students facilitated a dynamic exchange of ideas, propelling the consulting initiative forward.

This pioneering collaboration between Intense and IMT Ghaziabad stands as a testament to the power of synergy between academia and industry. Together, they are poised to revolutionize SMB-focused consulting, empowering MSMEs to embrace technological advancements and drive exponential growth.

About IMT Ghaziabad

The Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Ghaziabad is a premier management institution renowned for its academic rigor, industry-focused research, and commitment to nurturing future leaders. Through its diverse programs and partnerships, IMT Ghaziabad shapes global business and management practices.

About Intense Technologies

Intense Technologies Limited is a global enterprise software products company, headquartered in India with a strong and emerging presence in USA, LATAM, EMEA, and APAC. Our enterprise software products are used globally by Fortune 500s for the digital transformation of customer-centric business processes resulting in improved revenues, greater customer centricity, and reduced operational expenses. We serve customers across 4 continents, Today, we process 25 billion USD worth of client revenue data and we support 500 million subscriber base across our engagements. Intense Technologies has sales offices in Singapore, UAE, USA, and the UK.

Intense Technologies: BSE: 532326; ISIN: INE781A01025; Bloomberg: INTEC IN

For further information, please contact:
Anisha M,
Intense Technologies Ltd.
Phone: 040 4455 8578